29 Apr, 2024

Avoid Noise-Induced Hearing Loss While Flying With These Tips

Hearing protection has been mandated in the workplace such as for machinists, pilots, first responders subjected to sirens, etc. Those who are exposed to dangerous levels of noise should implement hearing protection program. However, it has become concerning how recreational listening practices are also part of the problem. It happens more and more in young […]

3 mins read

Guide Snorkeling In Nusa Penida With Extra Tips

On the island of Bali, there are numerous options for snorkeling locations. Amed, Menjangan island, Padang Bai, Tulamben, Nusa Dua, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Penida island. The decision between the many locales might occasionally be challenging.  Best Snorkeling In Nusa Penida Nusa Penida snorkeling locations are regarded as having some of the most diversified underwater […]

6 mins read